Kitchen Measurement Guide
- Measure the length for each wall where you plan to put cabinets. Legth 1: from wall corner to door trim.
Legth 2: from wall corner to wall end.
- Measure window location and size: length 3: from wall corner to window left trim. Legth 2:
from window left trim to right trim. Legth 3: from window right trim to wall end.
- Measure the location of stove range: length 6: from
wall corner to stove edge.
- Measure the location of refrigerator: length 7: from wall corner to refrigerator edge.
- Indicate the locations
of sink and dishwasher: sink centered to the window? dishwasher on left or right of the sink?
- Measure the ceiling height: length 8:
from floor to ceiling. If there is soffit, measure from the floor to the bottom of the soffit.
- Indicate the size for each appliances
such as stove, dishwasher and refrigerator. Most of them are standard sizes.
- Make a simple floor plan sketch on the paper from
your measurements.